Southview Garden
The Brief
The garden belongs to a charity that provides supported living scheme for up to 12 adults with a wide range of learning disabilities requiring differing levels of support. Wheelchair access to various areas of the garden is essential. A vegetable garden, an exercise area and raised planting beds are some of the requirements. A summer house, previously acquired, needs to be placed in the garden. Residents to be involved in the upkeep of the garden. Budget is extremely limited.
The Concept
Garden Couture Ltd. was aware of the budget limitations therefore the design proposed was adapted around existing paths and an existing pergola. A well-defined vegetable area was created with some raised beds so that wheelchair users can take part in gardening. A decked patio area with access from the residents’ shared living room has been proposed and will have a dining table and chairs. Planting beds have been created around the garden to break the expanse of green and add interest. All paths are to be wide enough for wheelchairs. The staff must be able to supervise the residents from various locations therefore different seating areas have been created around the garden.